
Students who continue to study mathematics through their years at college keep their pathways options wide open for the future.

At Dickson College there is a mathematics course to suit everyone. Dickson College is one of the very few Colleges in the ACT offering the full spectrum of mathematics courses.

The five courses of mathematics at Dickson College are:

Students with a deep understanding of Mathematics also have the opportunity to pursue further mathematics by enrolling in two high level maths courses concurrently – Specialist Mathematics Methods and Specialist Mathematics Extension.

For more information on individual course frameworks, please visit the Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) website: Board of Senior Secondary Studies ( The guide on the next page has been adapted from the BSSS Mathematics course framework.

Opportunities for the study of Mathematics extend beyond mainstream courses and those tailored to meet the needs of mathematically gifted students.

In addition to an inclusive classroom environment, we also provide modified(M) and registered (R) courses, to meet the needs of our students undertaking Foundation and Refugee study programs. These M and R courses allow for a flexible approach to individual students' needs within Dickson College.

Additional Opportunities

All Dickson College students have the opportunity to select their own Clubs and Community group. Students are encouraged to enrol in one of the Maths Tutoring groups, led by two of the Mathematics teaching staff, to provide regular extra assistance in their studies of Mathematics. Additionally, every Dickson College student has access to the Tutorial Hour held each Thursday afternoon from 3:00-4:00 where teachers from various subject areas are available to support students including at least one member of the Mathematics Department. Each student at Dickson College is also encouraged to seek extra assistance when required during their study lines.

At Dickson College students of mathematics are also supported and extended through external programs and competitions such as: ANU Secondary College; ANU Maths Day; Australian Mathematics Competition; International Tournament of the Towns; UNSW Mathematics Competition.

Which course is right for you?

When considering which mathematics course at Dickson College is most suitable for you, it is important to consider:

Historical data of student success in mathematics at Dickson College has enabled us to develop the guide below.
