Student Engagement Team

Dickson College takes a whole school approach to student and staff wellbeing. We place equal value on students' emotional and social development as well as academic achievement. We strive to foster a sense of belonging to our school community, to provide opportunities for giving and to teach resilience, gratitude, assertiveness and forgiveness.

Student Engagement at Dickson College – How to access help

DC Essentials - study and assignment tips, referencing and plagiarism and information about attendance, scores, appeals and more.

Student Engagement Leaders Executive

Our Executive Leaders is available for appointments to discuss wellbeing and academic issues, alternatives and post school options.

Student Assessment and Certification Executive

Our Executive Teacher of Assessment and Certification is available for appointments to discuss subject choices, ACT Senior Secondary Certificates and ATAR estimates.

Counselling Service

The School Psychologist is available for appointments Wednesday to Friday. Appointments can be made through Student Engagement.

Student Engagement Year Advisors

Dickson College Student Engagement has 6 Year Advisors who are available for appointment throughout the school week. Our advisors can help students with a range of issues including time management, extensions on assignments, referrals to external agencies, liaison with parents and referral to Study Support classes.

Pastoral Care Program: Transition Program and Mentoring Program

These groups support students with information about college life, academic packages, careers, attendance, health and wellbeing. They aim to:

  • Provide strong pastoral care by developing sustained relationships with teachers and students
  • Provide an environment where students can learn, and be encouraged to practice, different aspects of wellbeing
  • Work on student pathway planning and successful transition to and from college
  • Build on and explore students' unique set of needs and capabilities through identifying personal strengths, interests and goals

Transition Program - A weekly mandatory class for Year 11.

Mentoring Program - This program pairs students with a mentoring teacher who will monitor attendance and academic progress. It runs in Semester 2 for Year 11 and all year for Year 12. Mentors will check in with students and refer them to additional support if needed. Students can meet with their mentoring teacher whenever they have concerns.


Throughout the year, teachers and external providers will run a series of opt-in workshops on a variety of topics in the academic, personal development, sporting and community service areas. Students will be allocated points for attendance, contributing to their Year 12 certification.